Mobile Audio Fest
19-22 novembre 2015
Aix-en-Provence / Centre ville, École Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence, Fondation Vasarely
Marseille / La Friche la Belle de Mai, Parc Longchamp
An event conceived and organized by Locus Sonus
Curators : Peter Sinclair and Elena Biserna
Coordination : Anne Roquigny
INVITED ARTISTS : Andrew Brown (UK), Pierre-Laurent Cassière (FR), Owen Chapman (CA), Laurent Di Biase (FR), Steve Jones (UK/FR), Katrinem (D), Christina Kubisch (D), Eric Maillet (FR), Marie Muller (FR), Maria Papadomanolaki (GR/UK), Irena Pivka & Brane Zorman (SI), Amandine Provost (FR), Peter Sinclair (UK/FR), Eva Sjuve (SE), Jessica Thompson (CA).
Mobile Audio Fest is a 4 day event exploring the relationships between mobility and (new) forms of listening and sound-making. Conceived as a series of “rendezvous” in Aix-en-Provence and Marseille, Mobile Audio Fest presents 15 projects by international artists in which mobility plays a central part. The program includes performances, installations, apps, soundwalks, audiowalks, workshops and talks.
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