Angstwurm | Micleușanu M. // Opening show Angstwurm | Micleușanu M. Joi, 28 noiembrie 2019, vă invităm la vernisajul expoziției artistului pluridisciplinar Micleușanu M. Expoziția va putea fi vizitată până la data de 10 ianuarie 2020.
Cette histoire n’est pas fantastique / Olivia Mihălțianu / 25.10 – 07.12.2019 Solo Show Olivia Mihălțianu Cette histoire n’est pas fantastique Friday, 25 October 2019 ǀ 19.00h 25.10 – 07.12.2019 Anca Poterasu Gallery 26 Popa Soare, Bucharest Olivia Mihălțianu focuses
Simon Starling / ‘A-A’, B-B’’ / 07/09/2019—09/11/2019 For his sixth solo exhibition at The Modern Institute, Simon Starling will present A-A’, B-B’. An expansive new body of work, it is composed of an intricate network of
JSC ON VIEW: LUTZ BACHER, BARBARA HAMMER, CAROLEE SCHNEEMANN / WORKS FROM THE JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION / 21 JULY 2019 – 22 DECEMBER 2019 JSC ON VIEW is the title of a new series of exhibitions focusing explicitly on the inventory of works in the JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION. The series is being introduced
P7 / 2019. szeptember 19–22. PULZART7 AZ ALKOTÁS JEGYÉBEN A 2019. szeptember 19–22. között Sepsiszentgyörgyön megszervezett hetedik pulzArt kortárs művészeti fesztivál programjában a korábbi évek kiadásaihoz hasonlóan előkelő helyet foglalnak el a műhelyfoglalkozások (workshopok).
FRANCIS ALŸS / 04 09 / 05 01 2020 / Children’s Games Focusing on the theme The Life of Things, proposed by curator María Wills Londoño in collaboration with Audrey Genois and Maude Johnson, the MAC and MOMENTA | Biennale de
Gelatin & Liam Gillick. Stinking Dawn / 5/7-6/10 2019 MUSEUMSQUARTIER Stinking Dawn is an exhibition in the form of a production process for a full-length feature film by Gelatin and Liam Gillick. The collaboratively developed and improvised experimental
We don’t know that we know / JARO VARGA / 30.08–04.10.2019 IVAN GALLERY 30.08–04.10.2019 For the inaugural Friend of a Friend (FOAF) Prague program, Ivan Gallery has been invited by hunt kastner to co-host a site specific project by the
Doug Aitken: Return to the Real / 2 Oct – 20 Dec 2019 Victoria Miro Gallery I The exhibition explores our rapidly changing relationships to one another and the world around us in an age dominated by technology. Open the gate (Claire