What ties us together / from 05 April to 25 May 2019



Part 1: Lyon- France
Anca Benera and Arnold Estefan
Decebal Scriba
house pARTy
dan calin, teodor graur, iosif kiraly, dan mihaltianu, wanda mihuleac, andrei oisteanu, decebal scriba, nadina scriba, dan stanciu

residence Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan in March 2019 in Moly-Sabata / Albert Gleizes Foundation
exhibition from April 5 to May 25, 2019 at La BF15
opening Thursday April 4th
conference of Decebal Scriba Wednesday 3 April at 17h, National School of Fine Arts of Lyon (Ensba Lyon)

La BF15 is pleased to participate in the France-Romania Season with What ties us together, an exhibition in tribute to house pArty, artistic events initiated and organized in 1987 and 1988 by Decebal and Nadina Scriba in their house in Bucharest.
This exhibition invites two generations to interact in internal / external, private / public relations, and to highlight the critical capacity of artistic gestures with regard to the conventions that delimit them.

Decebal Scriba presents a set of performance images in which he explores the expression capacities of his own body. By settling into suggestive situations, he expresses a position in the face of the socio-cultural realities of the time.
For the exhibition, he creates the photo-performance L’éphémère géométrie de nos limites where he stages himself in the very space of La BF15. On the ground, the drawing is inhabited by the body’s memory of the artist’s previous performances from the 1970s to the present day. It refers us to the perimeter of our possibilities and our relationship with reality.
The work Damnatio Memoriae traces the year 1979 in a calendar of 12 lead sheets. It refers to the beginning of the darkest, repressive and heavy period in Romania.

At the centre of the exhibition are archival documents, videos and photographs, which provide a random account of the installations and performances carried out in situ for housepARTy. Despite the improvisation, hesitations and mistakes, the whole shows a surprising unity. The interventions of each participant naturally find their place in this context with a certain complementarity.

Since 2011, the collaborative artistic practice of the duo Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan examines, in a variety of media, power relations in social, economic and political contexts.
Jus soli (the right of soil) and / or jus sanguinis (the right of blood) determine a person’s socio-political status as a citizen or a non-citizen.
Nowadays, almost all states in the world grant citizenship at birth based upon the principle of jus sanguinis, in which citizenship is inherited through parents, and not by birthplace. Especially since 2007, the European migrant crisis has focused attention on the two – jus soli vs. jus sanguinis – conflicting sources of nationality rights. Benera and Estefan meticulously unthread the national flags not only of their home country, Romania, but also of the countries of their respective ethnic heritages, and transform each into a ball of yarn.
A flag – the national symbol – is thus reduced here to the transitory state of a raw material: a ball of yarn with no identifiable features.
The raw material of the textile fabric is decomposed and reassembled in 2 spheres of 9 cm diameter each, two different contaminated shapes – but yet so similar.

It is said that The Third World War is going to be fought over the scarcity of water if things don’t change soon. Few years ago, NASA came out with a study revealing that 21 of the world’s major 37 water sources are distressed, largely because of climate change or overuse from human consumption. Many of these correlate with conflict regions or areas of high tension, such as the border between India and China, or the conflict over the Euphrates-Tigris, in Turkey, Syria and Iraq. In fact, climate instability worldwide drives political instability, and the pressure of that makes conflict more likely.
With The driving force of all nature, Anca Benera & Arnold Estefán reflect on the world’s most troubled waters. A floating buoy on the Mediterranean – originally serving as an indicator for hazards – is converted by the artists in a percussion instrument, to be played by the audience. Each score in the partition composed by the artists contains the trace of a historic event related to water conflicts.

Event organized as part of the France-Romania 2019 Season

Partnership with Moly-Sabata Résidence d’artistes Fondation Albert Gleizes and Grame – centre national de création musicale

lien :
Decebal Scriba (annesarahbenichou.com/fr/artistes/oeuvres/4152/decebal-scriba)

Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan (https://www.beneraestefan.ro)

SAISON FRANCE-ROUMANIE 2019 (https://saisonfranceroumanie.com)

Previous SIGNAL – The Story of (Post-) conceptual art in Slovakia
Next Ciprian Mureșan at Galeria Nicodim / Bucharest

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