Bakancs Tábor

Bakancs Camp talk & gelprint workshop, Bikfalva, 2023. október

A diáklap szerkesztőivel beszélgettünk művészetről, életről, kapcsolatokról, lehetőségekről. Utána gélprint levonatokat készítettünk természeti elemek, kartonpapírok, madzagok bevonásával. Nagyon fegyelmezett, komoly munkafolyamaton vehettem részt.

Am discutat cu redactorii ziarului studențesc despre artă, viață și relații interumane, posibilități. După aceea, am făcut lucrări gel print folosind elemente naturale, carton și sfori. I was able to participate in a very disciplined and serious work process.

We talked with the editors of the student newspaper about art, life, opportunities and relationships. After that, we made gel print prints using natural elements, cardboard, and strings. I was able to participate in a very disciplined and serious work process.

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