Tag "exhibition"

Territories of Waste On the Return of the Repressed

14 September 2022 – 8 January 2023 https://www.tinguely.ch/en/exhibitions/exhibitions/2022/territories-of-waste.html The current planetary crisis has ensured that the proliferation of environmental pollutants has once more become a focus of artistic practice, alongside climate change

THE WONDERFULNESS OF MEMORY / 24. 9. 2021—13. 2. 2022

https://cukrarna.art/en/program/exhibitions/1/the-wonderfulness-of-memory/ Rosa Barba, Sophie Calle, Janet Cardiff, Jimmie Durham, Vadim Fiškin, Teresa Margolles, Ernesto Neto, Adrian Paci, Lia Perjovschi, Marjetica Potrč, Tobias Putrih, Miha Štrukelj, Aleksandra Vajd & Anetta Mona