Tag "haute"


Haute Photographie – Las Palmas, Rotterdam – February 7-10, 2019

Haute Photographie Announces Program Details and Premiering Artists https://www.haute-photographie.com/ In just a few week’s time, Haute Photographie will open the doors of the third edition at LP2 in Las Palmas


Haute Photographie Art Rotterdam Week 8 – 11 February 2018

Haute Photographie Art Rotterdam Week 8 – 11 February 2018 www.hautephotographie.nl VIP Preview: 7 February, 11.00 – 19.00 Opening: 7 February, 19.00 – 23.00 LP2 in Las Palmas Wilhelminakade 326


Haute Photographie at Art Rotterdam Week | 8-12 February 2017

http://www.haute-photographie.com/ Haute Photographie is a new photography fair with a concept unlike any other. Haute is centred around a group exhibition, featuring works by the grand masters from the history