Tag "performanceart"
Kortárs művészeti kurzus az MCC Fiatal Tehetség Programban
Köszi @mccerdely ! Nagy élmény volt dolgozni az MCC Fiatal Tehetség Program sepsiszentgyörgyi 8. évfolyamos diákjaival! Kedves, szimpatikus, nyílt, okos társaság ez a csoport! Annak ellenére, hogy ez egy viszonylag nehezen értelmezhető
ZONA & este un program de performance conceput în cadrul evenimentului de încheiere Timișoara 2023, găzduit de MX – Muzeul de Transport Public „Corneliu Mikloși”, în perioada 8-10 decembrie 2023. Curatoriat
IP lectures: Magda Lipska and Adam Czirak / Looking Forward, Looking Back #3
https://institutulprezentului.ro/en/event/ip-lectures-magda-lipska-and-adam-czirak/ 25.03.2019 Looking Forward, Looking Back #3 Lectures by Magda Lipska and Adam Czirak Monday, March 25, 2019, 19:00 Rezidenţa BRD Scena9, 32 I.L.Caragiale St., Bucharest free access, event held
Home performance practice
Home performance practice a Barunabasu Betoro and Benicio del Vetro video cut: Vargyasi Levente sound: Szalóki Ági THE DINASTY exhibition, Kézdivásárhely, 2013 Home performance practice from Barunabasu on Vimeo.
Performance workshop / Baji & Kozma
Borderline Festival, 2009, Timişoara I had been preparing the event long before it started. I tried to picture to myself future reactions, the exercises and their rhythm as well. I
Workshop with Barnabas and Kriszta
ARES 2007, Omagh, N. Ireland -appr. 10 participants -5 min of physical training focused especially on the flexibility of the neck and exercising some nice ankle tricks (no need for