VIDEO: then and now – CURATORS: KOZMA Éva and PETERNÁK Miklós – Magma – 26th Saint George Day’s

VIDEO: then and now – CURATORS: KOZMA Éva and PETERNÁK Miklós – Magma – 26th Saint George Day’s

VIDEO: then and now

The C3 video collection

Video and film / Video exercises / Video installation / Video letter / Video muster / Video interview / Operatic film / Video about art / Video documents / Video as video


ARTISTS among others ÁFRÁNY Gábor, ALTORJAY Gábor, BÓDY Gábor, ERDÉLY Miklós, ESTERHÁZY Marcell, GARAMI Richárd, HÁMOS Gusztáv, KELLER Diána, KISSPÁL Szabolcs, KOMORÓCZKY Tamás, KOVÁCS Tamás, KOZMA Éva, KÚTVÖLGYI Léna, MAURER Dóra, MÓZES Réka, NÉMETH Attila, NÉMETH Hajnal, NYITRAI Orsolya, ORBÁN Gergely, PETERNÁK Zsigmond, PETROVITS Ákos, SÁROSI Anita, Katarina ŠEVIĆ, SUGÁR János, SZABÓ Éva Eszter, TÁLOSI Gábor, TÓTH-ZS. Szabolcs, ZÁMORI Eszter.

Video-researches, DVD’s, catalog on-line:

Sunday, 23 April 2017, 18h

On view: April 24 – May 26. 2017, every day, except for Mondays and Holidays, between 11-19.

Monday, 24 April 2017, 17h ART INStITUt+ special edition’s guest Miklós PETERNÁK, director of C3 Center for Culture & Communication Foundation, Budapest, Hungary. The events are part of 26th Saint George Day’s. A few of us may still remember how wonderful it seemed that the black-and-white moving image and the sound could be simultaneously recorded on a magnetic tape, there was no need of post-production, the recorded material could be watched instantly, even half an hour of it, continuously. Today the “open reel” Akai or Sony video VCRs can only be found in media archaeological collections, however, almost anybody can make color, HD quality audio-visual motion pictures with mobile phones taken out of their pockets any time and publish them instantly, sending it “up” to the Internet so that anybody can see them. What is video, how has it changed in the past half a century? What does it mean that on video sharing websites and collections the motion picture production of the world is being accumulated and multiplied in random or systematic conglomerations, waiting for occasional viewers? What is or what can be video art today? Video has become the pioneer of migration in the realm of media: it was memorable when on the first Hungarian video review in Nyíregyháza in 1983 the renowned reporter of Hungarian television defined this medium somehow like this: “video is when we watch the film from the tape, isn’t it?” The other prominent guest, the innovator-classic of video art in Hungary and abroad, Gábor Bódy, maybe smiled. Indeed, feature films first reached the viewers’ households in great quantity in form of VHS video tapes, making possible home cinema and the creation of individual mini home cinema museums. And indeed, today there are not more people either who know what video art is than in those days. Ever since its foundation, C3 has collected the artworks and documents of video art, has produced new works, has preserved and occasionally restored artworks originally created on analog video or film support material, for the long-term preservation and presentation of which, due to today’s medial conditions, the digital format seems to be the only possibility. For the exhibition we have selected from this collection and we try to present this state of the art.

Previous MAT COLLISHAW | THE CENTRIFUGAL SOUL - 7 April 2017 – 27 May 2017 - London

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