Begin Sat, 03.10.2015

End Sun, 01.05.2016

Type of exhibition Thematic exhibition

The opening of the exhibition takes place on Sat, October 3, 2015 at 7:30 pm in front of the museum in Atrium 3 – with a performance by Holly Herndon at about 10 pm.

Knowledge is power. And power is possessed especially by whoever controls the flow of information. This applies particularly in digital culture, where all the information in the World Wide Web can be manipulated, uncontrolled. For a long time, a hope for new forms of democratic participation arose from the use of these digital instruments, but recently they have been misused as the ideal door opener for the surveillance of billions of people. Democratic states have long reserved the right to spy even on their »friends«, in all military, economic, and social aspects, and on all levels: governments, organizations, NGOs, and individual citizens are all under surveillance.
Besides mass analysis of communications metadata and massive access to personal data, there is increasingly open or clandestine censorship through manipulation or shutting down. Where the fear of this threat has no effect, the secrecy of important information is enforced, with methods ranging from hindering publication to kidnapping and assassinating journalists. Being at the mercy of overwhelmingly powerful authorities of control and censorship has become the conditio humana of our time. Today a large part of the public has already resigned in the face of a ubiquitous state and commercial surveillance.

This exhibition is based on the collaboration with a network of scientists, journalists, activists, and artists in some twenty countries around the world, and in cooperation with expert organizations such as the German PEN Center, the Chaos Computer Club, Reporters Without Borders, and such platforms as netzpolitik. org,, WikiLeaks, and others. The exhibition’s aim is to expand public debate about the ever-present surveillance and censorship methods, which is an urgent priority not only due to constant new reports in the media, but especially because of the extensive obstruction of the investigation of these practices.


Bernhard Serexhe (Curator)

Lívia Rózsás (Co-Curator)


aaajiao (Xu Wenkai)

Hamra Abbas

Lawrence Abu Hamdan

Selma Alaçam

Halil Altindere

Jacob Appelbaum

Olivia Arthur

Sophia Bauer

Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan

Michael Bielicky & Kamila B. Richter

Zach Blas

Osman Bozkurt

James Bridle

Gonçalo F. Cardoso

Alice Cavoudjian

Chen Ching-Yao

James Coupe

Maxim Dondyuk

Hasan Elahi

Mounir Fatmi

Lutz Fetzer

Finger Pointing Worker + Kota Takeuchi

Daniel G. Andújar

Fidel García

Benjamin Gaulon

Laurent Grasso

Michael Grudziecki

Holly Herndon

Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung

Jonathon Keats

Martin Lukas Kim

Andée Korpys & Marcus Löffler

Joe Krasean

Frédéric Krauke

Kwan Sheung Chi

Marc Lee

Alexander Lehmann

Milica Lopičić

Jorge Loureiro

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Jonas Lund

Jill Magid

Virginia Mastrogiannaki

Erik Mátrai


Tomomi Morishima

Jens Mühlhoff

Gerardo Nolasco Magaña 

Chris Oakley

Şener Özmen

Trevor Paglen

Ruben Pater

Dieter Paul

Chantal Peñalosa

Dan Perjovschi

Axel Philipp

Sascha Pohle

Ma Qiusha

Oliver Ressler

Khvay Samnang

Julia Scher

Shinseungback Kimyonghun

Christian Sievers

Hito Steyerl

Svay Sareth

Team Titanic

Wilko Thiele


Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries

Damian Weber & Elisabeth Pleß

Moritz Walser

Alex Wenger & Max-Gerd Retzlaff

Organization / Institution

ZKM | Karlsruhe

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