Revista ARTA
Revista ARTA was, between 1954 – 1993, the most important contemporary art magazine in Romania. It went out of circulation between 1993 – 2010, with a short comeback between 2010 – 2011. In 2010 it launched in its current format, and since 2014 it is also available online.
The purpose of the magazine is to map the Romanian contemporary art scene, to document it and offer a critical evaluation of its manifestations.
The print version brings together essays, reviews, interviews and special issues. It is published twice a year and proposes critical discussions about artistic and cultural phenomena in Romania, analyzed against the backdrop of the international context.
The website is dedicated to the Romanian art scene and proposes texts about the exhibitions, events and projects of Romanian artists and curators, taking place in the local as well as the international context.
Revista ARTA is published by the Romanian Artists’ Union (Uniunea Artiștilor Plastici din România). The online magazine receives the support of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund (Administrația Fondului Cultural Național).
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