The Agency of Touch / One on One Sessions with Mădălina Dan
We are very happy to host Mădălina Dan
whose praxis we are very fond of. We have common interest in body somatic practice as artistic medium and we have been likewise deeply touched by the practice of Brazilian Artist Lygia Clark. (1920-1988).
Mădălina Dan will be the first Artist invited in the series:
From Touch to Matter – an exploration of art, politics and the self through sensory experience.
The Agency of Touch
One on One Sessions
with Mădălina Dan
Social and physical Distancing, the new paradigm since the Covid 19 pandemic, which is now shifting all kinds of activities into the spheres of the digital and virtual, shows us more clearly than ever how necessary touch and tactiles are. The distance we have all had to go over the past months has made it clear how essential human contact is for health and well-being and how strongly it affects our mental and emotional state. Among many other adaptation strategies that we have observed, our need for human contact has opened up inventive new ways to continue to exist. The image of a daughter hugging her mother, who lives in a nursing home, through a sleeved piece of plastic is one example.
(Interestingly, it is reminiscent of the “relational objects” of the Brazilian artist Lygia Clark,1920-88, whose work required the active participation of her audience in her therapeutic art practice).
25 / 27 / 29 / 30 August 2020
1 hour sessions between 10h-19h
The Agency of Touch- one on one tactile performance | Scheduling and Booking Website
Please book in advance for the One one One Sessions as places are limited!
The Agency of Touch is a social intervention which utilizes touch, bodily/sensorial awareness and connectivity as a social service for communicating and researching within different social, cultural, economical contexts.
The Agency of Touch wishes to be temporarily installed in artistic contexts-festivals but in particular in institutions, social centers that are already providing social services such as
rehabilitation centers, hospitals, integration centers, old people’s homes etc.
The Agency of Touch is a practice privileging touch, haptic and physical experiences compared to the visual experiences that dominate in the contemporary technologised society. The tactile practice is regarded as a practical tool in order to be closer to society and its intrinsic problematics: the alienation of the senses, the neglect of anatomical/biological education, the social inequalities, the financial comfort equaling the comfort of the body, racism, migration, violence.
We have precautions in place to avoid the transmission of Covid 19. Please wear a mask when participating in the One one One Sessions!
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