GANG REHAB – Open Call for Street Artists – 4th edition of the pulzArt Contemporary Art Festival
The „Kónya Ádám” Cultural Centre calls for the application of visual artists in the framework of the 4th edition of the pulzArt Contemporary Art Festival. The project’s theme is the rehabilitation of 3 building passages in Sfantu Gheorghe. The project’s partners’ are: the Tone Troopers Association and the Chamber of Romanian Architects. The project is co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund of Romania.
The project’s main objective is the creative rehabilitation of building passages in Sfantu Gheorghe by visual artists. The building passages are grouped into two categories: 1 building passage is located in downtown Sfântu Gheorghe, at the Mihai Viteazul Square and 2 are located toward the outskirts of the city on the margins, in the Railway Neighbourhood. The presentation of the building passages together with their schemes and photos are attached to this Call: MV1, G1, G2.
How to apply?
The project jury is looking for proposals for the creative transformation of an arbitrarily chosen building passage, taking into account the general objectives of the building passage Rehab project: to rehabilitate the building passages that have been neglected for decades, are unsafe and evoke negative emotions through artistic interventions (wall painting, site specific installation).
The submitted applications shall come in response to the proposed spaces and may reflect to the given surroundings. Selected artists must finish their work in maximum of 10 days and they have 1500 RON (335 EUR) at their disposal for the neccessary materials.
The rehabilitation begins with the architectural intervention, executed by the organiser and based upon specific arhitectural plans. As a result all building passages will be cleaned, mended and whitened, enlightening and an advertising board will be installed in each building passage, as seen on the attached schemes.
Who we are looking for?
The Call is open for individual artists or teams of artists of 2 persons (fine artists, industrial artists, graphic artists, architects, graffiti and street artists) who want to reform the building passages and have the experience to deliver the work. We need you to submit a design drawing or an image superimposed onto an example building passage. In order to be selected to carry out the work on a real, physical wall you need to demonstrate that you have the skills and experience to deliver the project. Examples of previous work would be helpful. Submissions are confidential, third parties can only have access to them with the written consent of the artists. The selected plans are to be freely used by the organisers for promotional porposes.
Application calendar
Launch of the call: 17 August, 2016
Submission deadline: 30 August, 2016
Evaluation: 31 August, 2016
Results: 1 September, 2016
Delivery of the work: 5-14 September, 2016
Inauguration: 15 September, 2016
Questions can be asked until the 20th of August via email on the address. Answers will be published by the 25th of August on the and sites.
Eligibility of submissions
All submissions respecting the presented criteria are eligible.
The design plans cannot contain any kinds of offending contents regarding one’s nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion or skin colour, should not make reference to political messages or beliefs, or to any kind of obscene content. Submissions not respecting this rule will be automatically rejected from competition.
Applicants can not change or modify the selected design plans without the organizer’s consent.
Submission requirements
Submissions and proofs of previous documents shall be sent in one email to the address. Applicants shall receive feed-backs about receiving the submissions.
The subject of the submission should read: “Gang Rehab 2016 Sfantu Gheorghe”. We are not responsible for the loss of emails not containing the given subject or sent to other email addresses.
For a fair and transparent evaluation, submissions must contain the following, together with the design plans (.pdf or .jpg):
a short description of the artwork (no more than 3000 characters with space), containing the title of the work, the chosen building passage, the name of the applicant(s), contact datas: address, telephone nr., email address. When applying in a team, datas should be of the contact person’s. Please, indicate the list of neccessary materials and tools. Descriptions must contain the list of the design plans;
the scaled floor plan and the ceiling plan of the chosen building passage which must contain all proposed interventions that may not be seen on the side views, e.g. painting of the ground or the ceiling;
all scaled side views of the chosen building passage, please indicate if one of the walls are not be used
the chosen building passage’s perspective.
In order to assure a high quality for the materials’ printing, please respect the following parameters:
Colour: all design plans must be coloured;
Scale: design plans must have a min. of 1:20 scale (1 m in reality, 5 cm in the plan);
Size: A4 or A3;
Resolution: 300 DPI;
Format: .pdf and .jpg extensions;
Description: all design plans must contain the title of the work.
Any other explanatory or complementary graphic material (3D, photo, scale-modell) is welcome if it keeps the file size under 1MB.
Selection process
Submissions will be evaluated by a professional jury of 5 members. Results will be published on the project’s website after the jury meeting.
Selection criteria
Demonstrate artistic excellence, innovation and originality, as evidenced by a unique vision or perspective.
Reflect the environment/surface.
The work of art can be completed successfully in the given period of time.
The proposal fits into the 335 EUR budget frame.
The result is long lasting.
The jury’s decision is final, appeals are not accepted for consideration. Neither written nor oral justification of the decision will be given.
Financial aspects
Selected artists will be paid a fee of 225€/artist up to maximum of 6 artists for the 3 building passages. Travel and accommodation costs will be provided by the selected artists. Organizers will provide help in finding the most proper accommodation, if needed.
Organizers will also provide all art material up to 335€. Selected artists will compile the list of materials up to this amount and organizers will provide exactly the same materials.
The fee of 225 EUR is the gross amount which will be taxed with 16% in accordance to the Romanian law.
Members of the jury
Kispál Ágnes-Evelin, media artist, co-founder of MAGMA Contemporary Medium
Wegroszta László, architect, delegate of the Romanian Order Of Architects
Rátz Attila, artist, delegate of the Tone Troopers Association
Farkas Réka, journalist at the Háromszék gazette
Szabó Lehel, street artist
About author
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