netWorks – group exhibition at MAGMA Contemporary Art Space

netWorks – group exhibition at MAGMA Contemporary Art Space

The exhibition entitled netWorks of the MAGMA Contemporary Art Space selects from artworks of artists from Romania, Hungary and Slovenia based on and visualizing networks. The exhibition wishes to present artworks and projects based on some kind of network, connection system in a wider framework of interpretation. In connection with networks, most of us probably think of the Internet, and within, social networking sites; there is one artwork which uses the World Wide Web as a source, but most of the artworks are based on other kinds of networks.
The exhibition includes Mădălina BRAȘOVEANU’s research project entitled ARTISTS UNDER SURVEILLANCE: Traces of the Oradea – Târgu Mureş – Sfântu Gheorghe Artistic Network in the Archives of the Former SecuritateJudit ANGEL’s interview with Albert-László BARABÁSI network researcher as well as The Garden of Correspondence Art / Ray Johnson’s website project from the archives of the ARTPOOL Art Research Centre from Budapest.

ARTISTS:  Matei BEJENARU (RO), Vasile CROAT / László HORVÁTH (RO/HU), Csaba CSIKI (RO/HU), IRWIN group (SI), Szabolcs  KISSPÁL (RO/HU), Rudolf  PACSIKA (HU), Lia PERJOVSCHI (RO), Bálint SZOMBATHY (HU/RS), Domokos VÁNCSA (RO/IE) & invited curatorial projects by Judit ANGEL (RO/HU), Mădălina BRAȘOVEANU, Artpool Art Research Center’s archive

 CURATORS:  Ágnes-Evelin KISPÁL, József BARTHA și Attila KISPÁL

 OPENING:  Sunday, 04.06.2017, 19 hour
 OPENING SPEECH by:  Albert-László BARABÁSI (RO/HU/USA), physicist, network researcher
On view: 05.06 – 20.08.2017, every day, except for Mondays and holidays, between 11:00-19:00

 LECTURE:  Sunday, 04.06.2017, 17 hour, at Tamási Áron Theatre’s main stage
NETWORKS: From the World Wide Web to the Artistic Networks by Albert-László BARABÁSI
Our biological existence, our ability to communicate, to exchange goods and values, are guaranteed by numerous invisible networks, from the protein and genetic networks in our cells to the world wide web, Internet and financial and trade networks. I will show that the amazingly complex topology of these highly interconnected networks are the result of self-organizing processes governed by simple but generic laws. As I will illustrate in this talk, the emergence of most networks are governed by these universal laws, result in architectural features that makes different, apparently unrelated networks much more similar to each other than one would expect. Our ability to unveil the order characterizing our interconnected world has multiple implications on network robustness and control, helping us to stop infection disease, cure genetic disorders, and potentially understand and control the structure of an organization.

Albert-László BARABÁSI                       

The lecture will be held in Hungarian.

Special thanks: Cătălin Săveanu, Hajnalka Tulisz, Petra Balikova /, Melinda Bagoly, Júlia Prázsmáry, Gyula Deák / Háromszék Folk-​Dance Ensemble, Cartographia R Ltd. / Sfântu Gheorghe, László Bocsárdi / Tamási Áron Theatre

Project co-funded by the AFCN – Administraţia Fondului Cultural Naţional.

BARABÁSI Albert-László, HÁLÓZATOK: A világhálótól a művészeti hálózatokig from MAGMA on Vimeo.

Next Ivana SMILJANIĆ, In Line (In Home-Making And Art) performance live

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